
KEBEN vacuum valves



 GDC-J型高真空电磁板阀 Electro High Vacuum Flapper Valve是连接在真空管路上,用来接通或截止真空系统中的气流,或作充气阀用。永嘉县科本真空阀门厂的GDC-J型高真空电磁板阀当通电时将P、A端管路接通、断电时切断P、A端管路,保持P端真空系统的真空度。GDC-J型高真空电磁板阀适用介质为纯净空气和非腐蚀性气体。

GDC electro high vacuum flapper valve is mounted in vacuum pipeline to put through or cut off the airflow in vacuum system, or used as a charging vale. When power is connected, pipes at P and A will be put through, and when power is disconnected, pipes at P and A will be cut off, to keep the vacuum system at P vacuum. Applicable medium can be pure air and noncorrosive gases.

主要技术性能 Main Technical Performance

公称通径:Nominal Diameter  5mm
适用范围:Applicability  105~1.3×10-4Pa
阀门漏率:Valve Leak Rate  ≤1.3×10-4Pa.L/S.
适用温度:Applicable Temperature  -30~+50℃
线围温升:Coil Temperature Rise  ≤65℃
电源电压:Mains Voltage  220V/50Hz
安装方向:Mounting Direction  垂直或水平


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